We're an all volunteer group of Larkey Park residents who have come together and are devoting our personal time, energy, and financial resources to making sure our neighborhood gets the positive attention is deserves from the city of Walnut Creek.
Nothing like working on a project you're passionate about
to get to know your neighbors, right?
So far we've paid for the printed flyers, petitions, signs, stickers, this website, our domain name, and other organizing materials out of our own pockets. But if you'd like to contribute to help us offset current, on-going, and upcoming costs, we'd love your help!
All money raised is being accounted for by our Steering Committee and funds will used for exclusively for expenses related to this (and perhaps future Larkey Park Neighbors United) activities and costs such as printing, website hosting, signage, advertising, and things like attorney or expert consultant fees if necessary.
If we are successful and have any funds left over,
a Larkey Park Neighbors United party might be in order too!
But first, the hard work!
If you want to help offset our current costs,
please contribute via PayPal below!