As of July 17, 2019
Of the 74 people who took this poll so far, only 9 (12%) said they were OK with a drive-thru.
Here are a sampling of the comments from those who supports AMY's, but DO NOT SUPPORT a DRIVE-THRU on this site.
I don't particularly support Amy's or any restaurant on this site but would be more amenable to a restaurant with its own dedicated parking lot and NO drive through.
A restaurant would be great, especially with organic real food. But NO drive through. Traffic is already bad enough in this area.
Hall gives lip service, ask him directly if he will proceed with whatever he wants if given ok even if local residents are opposed. He’s preoccupied right now trying to lay a giant pile o shit in Concord. WARNING: Watch for him applying for state funds (tax dollars) to build his private held business. He is friends w/Grayson who helps his friend get our tax dollars.
The California Air Resources Board is very clear about the extreme health hazards of idling automobile exhaust to residential neighborhoods and developing children. Exposure to particulate and chemical pollution in car exhaust dramatically increases the risk of developing lymphoma, asthma, and respiratory disease, to name a few health issues. Furthermore, there is the direct risk of distracted drivers on a residential street mostly lacking in sidewalks. Accidental death is the number one cause of mortality in American children.
Not OK with the car exhaust and additional car hazards on 2nd Avenue. We DO NOT have existing sidewalks for pedestrians in this area, and increasing car traffic would pose a serious risk to children and families in the neighborhood.
While I like the idea of healthier foods, having a drive-thru is not suitable for this location due to the close proximity to residential areas, and the accompanying increase in traffic congestion and idling cars. Also, the amount of packaging waste (and accompanying litter) that drive thru food vendors create is bad for the environment. Some of the containers may be compostable but not all.
I've avoided the section of North Main street between Geary/Treat and San Luis Rd ever since the the 24 hour fitness and Chick-Fil-A businesses were built, due to the terribly backed up traffic they've created. Even if I want to head north, I first drive south on Main and turn left on Parkside Dr. I either get on the freeway there or I go to Civic Dr and turn left to reach Treat Blvd. I would prefer for apartments to be built there, but I understand that Hall properties would not find it financially worth it. Too bad, because housing is what is most needed.
I love Amy's food and the concepts, but the drive-thru is a deal breaker! With Door Dash and Uber Eats, do we really need a drive-thru?
The corner of N. Main and Second Avenue is NOT SUITED for any drive-thru business. Amy’s Drive Thru would be welcome in Walnut Creek, but this would not be the best location for them, and if they insist on opening there, they should be amendable to a non-drive thru variation of their restaurant, much like most Chipotle’s or Corner Bakery in Pleasant Hill. It would be irresponsible, disrespectful and in poor taste for Amy’s to force this on the community when the community have repeatedly strongly voiced their opposition to a drive thru venue opening there, and would likely result in them facing further opposition and a community boycott. I really hope that they can find an alternate location or change their model....to suit the needs of the community they wish to join and the limitations of the space they wish to occupy.
I already avoid the North Main/Geary intersection particularly turning from N Main onto Geary now due to the chaotic traffic created by 24 Hour and Chick Filet. Drivers are impatient and take dangerous chances. It used to be a wide thoroughfare but it is now a clogged mess. A drive thru will just be grid lock. It is an absolutely stupid idea
Over and over the city has discarded their own requirements because the developer requested. And you have to love the traffic studies. Each of the developments on North Main and on Geary said there would be minimal traffic increases. Too bad we can't hold these consultants to the fire and make them pay to get the traffic flowing again. Some sort of 'good faith bond'.
Leary of Hall going for approval for part of their property and not the whole thing at once. What design are they preventing from being implemented by doing the development in two stages?"
The City needs to engage in responsible planning. Hall Equities is proposing another bad project for our neighborhood. We need our voices heard and the drive through aspect of this proposal needs to be rejected!
I definitely do NOT support a drive-through. The traffic along the North Main St//Treat Blvd./Geary Road corridor has dramatically worsened since the arrival of the Sprouts Center, 24-Hour Fitness and Chick-Fil-A. A drive-through would only exacerbate the situation and also contribute to noise pollution. All that pavement and all those idling engines will most definitely compound North Main's ""heat sink"" effect in mid-summer.
Second Avenue is just not a suitable location - it is too narrow of a street - to support a drive-through. The noise that would be created in the area as a result would negatively impact what is primarily a quiet residential area. Take a lesson from In-N-Out's experience in 2017 and look elsewhere. I implore you to spend some time doing in-situ site selection/market research, and I'm sure you will come to the same conclusion.
Restaurant fine. Line of idling cars TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!
Traffic is already crazy because of the inadequate parking for chick-fil-a and 24Hr Fitness. Almost all of the trash along N. Main in the area is from the nearby fast food restaurants. Idling cars waiting in the drive thru degrades our air quality. I will unite with neighbors to oppose any development seeking a variance to existing zoning, parking, or land use laws/regulations
As far as I'm concerned, a drive-thru is a deal breaker. I am vehemently opposed to this idea and am frustrated that we are having to go through this again. Of all the businesses that could go there, Hall is advocating for another drive-thru??
I will only support an Amy's here if they rethink their drive-thru concept and make this a fast casual restaurant or have a walk-up window.
Traffic on No. Main is already overly congested! This past Saturday (5/25), I was driving southbound on No. Main and traffic on the other side of the street (i.e., northbound on No. Main) was backed up from Geary to 2nd Avenue -- due to traffic generated by 24 Hour Fitness and Chick-fil-A. We cannot handle any more congestion on No. Main. It will force more traffic onto the residential areas around 2nd Avenue and onto Buena Vista to skirt traffic back-ups. I like Amy's frozen dinners that I buy at Safeway - but, PLEASE DO NOT add the drive-through.
No drive thru of any kind should be put on this site. Any sit down restaurant would be fine. The traffic ramifications from another drive thru on this section of Main Street would be catastrophic.
Traffic in this area (getting on and off the freeway) is already a nightmare after 3pm due to the 24 Hr and Chick-Fil-A, adding another destination eatery with a drive thru will only add to the issues.
Too much traffic related to chikfila and 24 HR fitness already in same area. Drive through would impede neighborhood traffic which is already changed due to increased traffic on 2nd Ave related to traffic on N Main.
Sit down restaurant, please!! You'd get all the neighbors who will boycott the drive thru!!"
With the added traffic on North Main, both as a freeway access road, and from the Chick-Fil-A/24 Hour addition, it's dangerous and difficult to turn left (and sometimes right) onto North Main without a stoplight, such as from 3rd Ave. 2nd provides a stoplight to get in and out of the Larkey Neighborhood. Adding a drive through on the neighbourhood side would add significant congestion to an already increasingly traffic-laden area.
Drive-thru is not a “permitted use” on that lot for many good reasons. If Amy’s is really all about the health of our families & local community, why can’t Amy’s choose a “drive-thru” location where a drive-thru is a permitted use/there aren’t family homes adjacent to the lot?
Drive thru would cause more backed up traffic, not needed. Then, other drive thru projects would pile on. Traffic is miserable already. Offer and promote bike parking :=)
We do not support Amy’s on this site at all because it backs up to homes and will impact traffic in the area and on 2nd ave.